What not to do in an Escape Room

Now, everyone in the Escape Room industry has seen teams who get very enthusiastic about searching our rooms and solving the puzzles. In an escape room, you are expected to thoroughly examine every inch of the room for clues, but there are some things we’ve seen time and time again that we would prefer you didn’t attempt. This is for your safety, as well as to keep our rooms accident and breakage free.

So let’s take a look at what you shouldn’t do in an Escape Room, shall we? Hopefully, after reading it you’ll have a better idea of what kinds of things to avoid in order to have the most fun. We love to give our players a fighting chance of winning the game, so read on to find out what you shouldn’t be doing when you’re in an Escape Room.

Don’t be tempted to run off with a souvenir.

You’ll find all sorts of interesting, well-made props in our rooms, which have all been individually sourced or lovingly created to add to the effect of the room. Although we often have replacements, they do run out eventually, and it adds to the cost to replace or replicate them. No matter how tempting it might seem, please – no slipping keys, props or puzzles into your pocket! Remember we’re watching you and we take an inventory after each game…you can expect, at best, a stern phone call, and at worst, a bill for replacements.

Don’t Touch.

If you see signs saying don’t touch, then it really does mean don’t touch. There may be some props in the room that have stickers on them. They’ll tell you not to touch – we mean really, really, please don’t touch. Leave the bits you shouldn’t mess with alone and stay focused on the game. They’re there for a reason, but if you start playing with them, and something breaks, it could not only ruin the game, it could leave you with a bill for the damage.

Don’t break the room.

It might sound obvious, but we ask that you don’t break things in your attempt to find the clues. It really isn’t necessary. You will never have to break anything open, rip pictures off the walls by their screws, or force anything in order to find clues – clues should be easily visible or accessible. Stay calm and take your time.

Don’t climb.

Don’t turn into a champion mountain climber while you’re in the Escape Room. What we mean is – don’t climb all over the furniture like you’re traversing the Himalayas because you’re desperate to find the clues. You could cause permanent damage and we’d have to replace whatever it is you’ve broken. If there is a clue above eye level, it will be easily visible – it should never be somewhere you will have to use the furniture to access.

Don’t turn up drunk.

And whatever you do, don’t turn up under the influence of alcohol because we’ll have to ask you to leave – pronto! We make the rules, so please obey them. They’re there to keep you and our staff safe. As well as ensuring everyone’s safety, we also don’t want to have to interrupt the game to tell you what it is you’re doing wrong – when you could be having a great time.

Escape UK – for the best hour of your life.

So, we’ve told you what you shouldn’t be doing, and you’re now left with what you can do. You can have a brilliant, safe time by following these easy rules. Come on in, take part in the game and forget the world outside. No touching, jumping, drunkenness and running away with the bits and parts – and you really will have the time of your life.