A Beginner's guide to Escape Room Puzzles

So you enter the room and look around. You see cupboards, padlocks, books, pictures, objects… Where do you start? What kinds of puzzles are you likely to find in an Escape Room? And what might you have to do to solve these puzzles?

I’m going to talk you through some of the most common and basic types Escape Room puzzles there are, to help you speed through them and get on to the more complex, exciting puzzles.

Hidden Objects

When you first enter the room, it’s a good idea to search everywhere thoroughly to make sure you don’t miss any important clues or hints. In order to solve the puzzles, you have to find the puzzles. Open all the drawers and cabinets that are unlocked, look above and below units, gently feel for hidden compartments and secret areas, lift up all movable props to make sure nothing is hidden underneath them.

Sometimes, we’ll also hide written clues and symbols that can be seen only under UV light. We will always give you a torch if you will need it, and as soon as you get it, you’ll need to shine it on everything. Notes could be written on pictures, walls, furniture or props. Leave no area unchecked. And don’t be afraid to check again. Sometimes we put multiple clues in the same area, knowing that once you’ve found one thing, you don’t always dig deeper to find everything else hidden there.

Number puzzles

Number codes are often used to unlock padlocks, key pads and safes, and are the most common type of puzzle in any escape room. But these kinds of puzzles are often easier than you expect, and many teams overthink it. Sometimes it’s as simple as a missing number, an easy sum or you have to finish the sequence. One of the most simple puzzles is hiding numbers within a block of text – simply use those numbers, either in the given order or in another order using hints from within the text.

In fact, whenever you see a number within a room, take note – sometimes they are meaningless, but often you’ll have to find a way to decode, order or arrange any numbers you come across. And remember and keep it simple – we won’t ask you to do tricky mental sums. The maths, if there is any, will be easy. Otherwise, we will provide you with a calculator.

Word Puzzles

Among the most commonly used types of puzzles are puzzles that make use of letters and language. They may require the answers to a crossword, or you may have to rearrange an anagram. It could be as simple as filling in a missing word, or the puzzles may need more thought using codes, symbols and ciphers to work out a word. We never assume any prior knowledge, so we will always provide the key to any of these kinds of puzzles. One of the most popular word puzzles is using capital letters within a longer text to spell out a hidden word.

The answers to word puzzles may be a word of a location within the room where the next clues can be found, or you may have to input the word or letters discovered into a padlock or computer to solve the puzzle. Either way, you don’t have to be Shakespeare to work out language-related puzzles. Most of the answers are simpler than they may first appear.

Physical Puzzles

These are the most fun kinds of puzzle of them all – the kind that involves you interacting with the room in a tangible way to find a solution. We may ask you to follow a maze, perhaps winding through high walls or bending around a criss-cross of lasers. You may have to use magnetic props to find out-of-reach clues, open a locked door or find a hidden key. Some puzzles require teamwork, with two or more people doing the same task at the same time. Some even require your senses, like smelling magic potions, feeling objects in boxes you can’t quite see into, or hearing an ominous but repetitive code you have to decipher. Physical puzzles can be hard work, but are so rewarding to solve. And they often require teamwork and co-operation, which is one of the reasons why escape rooms are so popular, after all.

Escape – for puzzles you’ll love to solve

Now you have a better understanding of what kinds of puzzles you might encounter, you may be eager to try solving some yourself. We are certain you will have an amazing time at one of our UK venues. You can bring your friends or family, or persuade your boss to include an escape room in any teambuilding event, summer fun day or Christmas night out. Give us a call or book online to get your room booked exclusively for your use.

Escape Team Building