How we Create our Escape Rooms

Ever wondered exactly what goes into creating Escape Rooms, from inception to completion? Well here, I’ll explain the whole process. At Escape UK, we have amazing teams dedicated to each stage of the planning and building of new Escape Rooms.

Stage 1 - Concept

Inspiration for a new room strikes in many different ways. Sometimes it’s a movie, book or TV show that we would love to replicate. Sometimes it’s a new puzzle idea or concept thought up by one of our team members, or the need to fill a new venue or space. Other times, we have a client approach us to design a room or escape experience for an event, like the Red Bull Escape Room World Championships, or a TV programme, like ITV’s Race to the Rovers. Once we have a brief or a concept in mind, then it’s time to think about the details.

Stage 2 - Planning

We need to plan with an overview of the room in mind while thinking of which specific puzzles might need built or designed. Although many Escape Room puzzles over the world can be variations of the same types of puzzles, each room should ideally also offer something different or unique which challenges players.

Sometimes the theme will suggest the kinds of puzzles we should use, for example tricks with a ‘magic’ wand in our Witchcraft & Wizardry room, logic puzzles and hidden compartments in our 221B Baker Street games, or puzzles using scientific equipment in our Contagion game. We tailor each puzzle to the theme of the room, so each room tells a story.

We then have a meeting with the lead in each team and design the game. We look at the space and make sure we can fit everything in. We decide on paint colours and plug points, we plan where electronic puzzles will go, and we decide the order of the puzzles. We plan for the installation and appoint a project manager. Then it’s over to the experts.

Stage 3 - Construction

Our builders, painters and electricians are in first, clearing the room and building the basics in the space: adding walls and hidden doors; painting the undercoat and laying the flooring; installing lights, sound and plug points. Then it’s time for the puzzles and props to be brought in.

We have a dedicated workshop with experts in electronics, carpentry and design, who are amazing at creating a physical representation of what was once an abstract puzzle idea. Our puzzles, clues and props are built off-site, ready to be brought to the venue and installed.

Once all the furniture is in, our scenic painter creates atmosphere by aging the room, adding creative touches which enhance the atmosphere in the room. Props and paintings are added. The room is finished.

Stage 4 - Opening

To make sure the room works, we have some of our staff test the game by playing through it. At this stage, discrepancies may be noticed and puzzles tweaked. We then open the room to the public for two weeks of test games. At the end of this period, once we are sure the game is the best it can be, we open the room officially to the public.

Escape - experts at what we do

With over six years of experience, we know what we are doing and we have honed our process so every installation runs smoothly. We hire experts in their fields so we know we have the best team we could wish for. And we encourage creativity in all of our staff members, welcoming inspiration from everyone. We innovate and create, offering not only puzzle rooms but experiences. That’s why we’re at the top of our game and one of the world’s eminent Escape Room Companies.

Escape Team Building